The third is the first one in 2011. Before finishing the compilation series with UV 004 and going into detail with the first artist-EPs, Uncanny Valley from Dresden, Germany, shows off the full range of Dresden’s talents once again.
In One Day In Metropia’s almost forgotten dancefloor bomb “Night Train”, a mighty bassdrum merges with infatuating synths into Out-Of-Space-Pop par excellence.
Straight from the asylum of analogue gear comes “Eiserne Lunge” by Credit 00 with all its surpassing drum and synth sounds.
“Fog Patches” was created after its author Stefan Lohse attended church, which is clearly recognizable considering the track’s devout acid.
The final “Dresden, den 15.05.2005” originates out of a joint session by two of Dresden’s analogue pioneers. It is a propitiating but also threatening track in the manner of British IDM.
One Day In Metropia - Night Train from Uncanny Valley Records on Vimeo.
Stefan Lohse - Fog Patches from Uncanny Valley Records on Vimeo.
Projektname Unbekannt - Dresden, den 15.05.2005 from Uncanny Valley Records on Vimeo.