Will Dubner and Sandrow M (right), Pic by Matthias Harre
In their studio next to a cozy little Plattenbau Dresden’s very own Sandrow M and Will Dubner create their magic. It was also here where “Disco Schlamboni” was made, their contribution for our Uncanny Valley 050.1-compilation. Since we always attach great importance to the small talk competence of our listeners, we thought it would be interesting to compile some background information to each release. So, here’s Sandrow M and Will Dubner talking about how the track came into being.
How did the track come about? When did you produce the tracks?
The track was created at the end of 2017 and was originally intended as a Christmas present for a good friend but we enjoyed it so much that we invested a lot of time into it in 2018.
Was there a musical premise or sounds you wanted to approach?
The track is kind of a random result. There are different approaches on how we make music, so we don’t have “the one” workflow. But nearly all tracks have in common that we start to record jams at some point. Because of the wide range of music we like, the sound differs from track to track and we don’t want to get bored by making the same sound over a long period. In this particular case we were in the mood for some friendly disco stuff and we were also inspired by the current expansion and reconstruction of our studio.

Is there anything special that connects you to Uncanny Valley? A record, a party or something like that?
Since we both live in Dresden we are connected in a natural way. We have been active in the local music scene since many years. In this environment you inevitably know all people interested in our kind of music and you come across many different interesting faces through certain events. Some of us were friends long time before the label was even founded and we both were part of the Uncanny Valley project from the very beginning. Sandrow M even released two solo EPs on the label.