Release Insight: UV50.1 – James Booth

We met James Booth through Massimiliano Pagliara. That was an absolute stroke of luck. Not only because we can publish “Summer Interlude” now, but especially because we have won a new friend that looks great while posing in front of statues.

Since we always attach great importance to the small talk competence of our listeners, we thought it would be interesting to compile some background information to each release. So, here’s James Booth talking about how the track came into being.

How did the record come about? How and when did you produce the tracks?

It was about two years ago. It‘s named after one of my favourite Ingmar Bergman movies, for no other real reason other than I like the title. I was listening to a lot of New Order and feeling nostalgic for my hometown of Manchester.  I would never want to live there again, but sometimes I want to listen to New Order a lot. In the shower mainly. With that nice reverb I can really sing along. “World In Motion” is my morning song! 

Was there a musical premise or sounds you wanted to approach?

I don’t remember much about the recording but I do think some of the drums are New Order samples. I was playing around a lot with the DX 7 at the time, and this frequency shifting delay, I can hear both of those on there. 

Is there anything special that connects you to Uncanny Valley? A record, a party or something like that?

I met the guys a few years back when I sent in some demos. Since then, I‘ve been lucky enough to spend some time with the boys in Dresden and play at the object klein a club. I like Dresden a lot. Hopefully I can spend more time there this year.