This show is dedicated to the pioneering women of electronic music featured in the highly recommended documentary SISTERS WITH TRANSISTORS. The doc tells the stories of "women composers who embraced machines and their liberating technologies to completely change the way we produce and listen to music today." If you haven't had a chance yet, you should check out the film. Philipp not only screened it at this year's DAVE festival at the much-loved Thalia cinema, he also played a track by each of the film's protagonists on his radio show, and shared a few things about them in his rather scrappy English.
Clara Rockmore - Tchaikovsky; Valse Sentimentale
Daphne Oram - Tumblewash
Louis & Bebe Barron - Main Titles - Overture
Delia Derbyshire - Pot Au Feu
Maryanne Amacher - Living Sound, Patent Pending Music
Morton Feldman, Will Ogdon, Earle Brown, Pauline Oliveros, Warren Burt, Robert Carl, The Astra Choir, John McCaughey -Sound Patterns
Wendy Carlos - Ninth Symphony Second Movement (Scherzo)
Eliane Radigue - Air - Vent
Suzanne Ciani - The Eighth Wave
Laurie Spiegel - Drums